1 Month of Beard Growth: Filling in a Patchy Beard

Want to know how much beard growth SBC’s products deliver in a month? We take a look at how 30 days of beard and mustache growth are influenced by StoneJaw products.

“Growing a Beard Ain’t Easy…”

We wanted to see what type of beard and mustache growth we could produce after 30 days of using StoneJaw Beard Co. growth products. After documenting the journey we can say we’re proud of the results.

What Did We Learn Along The Way?

It common for everyone’s beard to start off looking poorly. Whether you have the best or worse beard genetics possible, no one looks exceptional after a week of growing their beard. To see results you have to stick with it. Even a patchy beard can see substantial growth when given the time. You have to push through the awkward phase if you’re ever going to see any results.

Stuck with A Patchy Beard?

One question we see often is if StoneJaw Products can fix a patchy beard. While everyone is diffrent (some people are born with better beard genetics than others) a patchy beard is something many men start out with.

Parts of the face are more inclined for easier growth more than others. For example, under the jaw and around the neck often grow easier than hair on the cheek. This largely has to do with the fact that there are large arteries running under the jaw and around the neck. More blood flow means more nutrients and increase beard growth.

The cheeks actually are comparatively distant from any large blood vessels when compared with the rest of the beard. This can account for patchiness on the cheeks and face.

How Do We Fix A Patchy Beard?

There are many factors we can’t control that influence a beard like genetics, skin condition, and age that leaves men predisposed to patchiness. Luckily, we can encourage growth in a few ways, (see our article on Beard Growth TipsWays to increase Testosterone for Beard Growth, and our “Library” of case studies on the effects of natural ingredients in our Beard Growth formulas) such as increasing blood flow to the face, maintaining a clean face and beard, and eating a balanced diet to supply needed vitamins and nutrients to the body. 

Products Used For Growth In This Study:

StoneJaw Beard Co.

Day 1

“The starting point“

StoneJaw Beard Co.

Day 8

“Getting there”

StoneJaw Beard Co.

Day 15

“Halfway through”

StoneJaw Beard Co.

Day 23

“Almost There”

StoneJaw Beard Co.

Day 30

“End of the line”

One Thing is Clear…

…a beard takes time. Don’t be discouraged with growth over a month. Like at the gym, if you workout a week you won’t see results.

Its only after weeks on weeks that any strength and muscle growth is visible. In the same way, keep growing and nurturing your beard even if you dont see immediate results. Doing the right thing over time builds up to results. Check out our other resources to learn more about how to increase beard growth:

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